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Tips to Send Live Photos as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad

Posted by Flash Droid Pedia on Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The iPhone and iPad has a little-known capacity to change over circling or bobbing Live Photos to vivified GIFs locally by sending them through chose sharing strategies.

This way to deal with share a Live Photo as a GIF is incredible on the grounds that it fundamentally requires zero exertion by any stretch of the imagination, and it’s positively less demanding and speedier than utilizing an application to change over Live Photos to GIF.

Read on to figure out how you can without much of a stretch send and offer any Live Photos as a vivified gif.

To attempt this yourself, you will require a Live Photo (or a few to browse). You can simply take a couple of Live Photos with your iPhone or iPad camera first.

Instructions to Share a Live Photo as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad

Share a Live Photo as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad

Assuming you have a Live Photo ready to go, here’s how you can share and send Live Photos as animated GIFs.

  1. From the Photos app on iOS, tap and select the Live Photo you want to convert to an animated GIF

  2. Swipe Up on the Live Photo to access the additional Live Photo Effects options

known capacity to change over circling or bobbing Live Photos to vivified GIFs locally by  Tips to Send Live Photos as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad

  • Choose “Loop” or “Bounce” from the Effects screen, whichever is most appropriate for your photo or the desired GIF repeating effect

known capacity to change over circling or bobbing Live Photos to vivified GIFs locally by  Tips to Send Live Photos as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad

  • Now tap the Sharing / Action button as usual (it looks like a box with an arrow flying out of the top)

known capacity to change over circling or bobbing Live Photos to vivified GIFs locally by  Tips to Send Live Photos as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad

  • Fill out the email as usual, to whoever you want to send the Live Photo as an animated GIF to, then click “Send” *

known capacity to change over circling or bobbing Live Photos to vivified GIFs locally by  Tips to Send Live Photos as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad


The Live Photo will naturally change over to an energized GIF with the goal that the beneficiary can see the picture as an activity paying little respect to what stage they are on. Simply make certain you utilize Live Photo Effects like Bounce or Loop.

This is incredible on the grounds that it enables you to send an energized picture to somebody on a Windows or Android gadget, or whatever other stage that doesn’t bolster Live Photos (which is anything outside of the advanced Apple OS biological community).

* You can likewise email yourself the Live Photo in the event that you need to play out a straightforward Live Photo to enlivened GIF change.

One thing to note anyway is that the subsequent energized GIF records are very extensive, regardless of being a low determination, as they seem to organize a high casing rate. For instance, you can undoubtedly wind up with a 640 x 480 determination vivified GIF changed over from a Live Photo that is 6.5 MB, which is substantially bigger than would normally be appropriate.

The illustration energized GIF pictures beneath were made by Live Photo change utilizing this sharing strategy, and they are very vast as far as document measure at 4.7mb and 6.4mb.


known capacity to change over circling or bobbing Live Photos to vivified GIFs locally by  Tips to Send Live Photos as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad


known capacity to change over circling or bobbing Live Photos to vivified GIFs locally by  Tips to Send Live Photos as Animated GIF from iPhone or iPad


Maybe multi day iOS will pick up a local capacity to change over Live Photos into energized GIFs straightforwardly from a menu alternative, yet for the time being that choice doesn’t exist. As said above, you can utilize an application to change over a Live Photo to energized GIF, or you can email yourself the photo and spare what will be a vivified GIF. You could likewise utilize the Workflow application as well, which additionally gives you a chance to change over an Animoji to a GIF also with a little exertion.

Do you are aware of some other tips or traps to share Live Photos as energized GIF documents? Tell us in the remarks!

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